Thursday, October 26, 2006

Aristotle as he was

A bust of Aristotle found beneath the Acropolis in Athens is the first to show the Greek philosopher with a hooked nose.

Archaeologists said that the 46cm (18in) marble bust, which dates from the 1st century AD, about 400 years after Aristotle lived, was “the best-preserved likeness ever found”. Alkestis Horemi, who supervises digs at the Acropolis, said: “This is the only bust portraying the philosopher with a hooked nose in line with ancient descriptions.” (AFP)

Times, October 25 2006.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Exceptionally good news

The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) will henceforth pay the full cost of members’ inpatient bills.

And this comes at no extra cost to contributors of the medical insurance scheme.

The programme will be implemented in some 380 accredited hospitals, it has been announced. Further, the fund announced it would also offer comprehensive cover for expectant mothers who deliver by caesarean section.

More here.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Pigs glide lazily across the sky...

In a statement issued after the meeting, Rev Paisley said his party had had a very good and useful exchange of views with the Northern Ireland Catholic Council for Social Affairs delegation across a range of issues.

More here.

Friday, October 06, 2006

LRB symposium on the Mearsheimer/Walt paper, and other things

Lots of clever people sit down and chat about something important. Here.

Averroës was the subject of this week's In our Time. Good stuff; listening to Kenny is a bonus. (via Philobiblion)